The freezer is a very practical appliance when you think about it! You can put food that is about to expire in it to eat it at a more convenient time, which allows it to last longer. The problem is that there are so many things that we put in it that some foods stay there longer than necessary and finding them becomes a real archaeological dig. Except that contrary to popular belief, it is not because it is frozen that it will necessarily be good to eat in several months. Some foods do not keep indefinitely in the freezer due to the loss of taste and bad bacteria. Here are 8 examples that we draw your attention to.
Freezer Storage: Beware of Certain Foods!
1) Unprepared meats

Pork or lamb chops,
as well as unprepared meats in general such as beef or poultry, can be stored for about 8 months. Freezing alters the taste and texture over time (due to the water introduced into the food) and even if freezing calms the proliferation of microbes, it is not completely stopped and you can therefore end up with food poisoning. This is why it is important not to wait until the last minute to freeze your meat. If you plan to do so in any case, do it immediately after purchase and do not wait until the product is at the end of its expiration date!
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