Scientists reveal Chinese noodles cause heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome


Will you continue to feed your children Chinese noodles after reading this?

People who are fans of noodles are the ones who will have a hard time accepting the fact that these noodles are actually very dangerous for our health. In fact, noodles are linked to the risk of metabolic changes that are linked to strokes and heart disease.

Cheap, processed noodles often contain TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone). This is a byproduct used in both the petroleum and food industries.

This chemical is neither beneficial nor digestible for your body in any way. Research from the Journal of Nutrition concluded that after consuming tertiary butylhydroquinone for a long period of time, as South Korean women did, metabolic syndrome can occur, and nothing, not even a change in diet, exercise, and a healthy diet, can reverse the damage.

People with metabolic syndrome generally have an increased risk of developing diabetes, stroke and heart disease, higher blood glucose levels and high blood pressure.

Hyun Shin (a PhD candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston) stated that while noodles are delicious, their high glycemic load, unhealthy saturated fats, and high sodium levels are very bad for our health. He conducted this research based on the health of 11,000 South Korean people aged 19 to 64. He asked them to list the things they ate recently and how many times a week they consumed noodles.

Here are some other food products that contain BHQT:

Continued on the next page


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