Transformative Steps for Preparing to Disinfect Your Mattress


  1. White Vinegar Method: Revitalize Your Mattress’s Cleanliness
    • Prepare a vinegar solution by saturating a sponge and wringing it out.
    • Methodically rub the mattress surface in 20 cm sections.
    • Rinse using a glove moistened with clean water.
    • Dry the mattress thoroughly with a washcloth, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
    Fun Fact: Opt for the convenience of gel-form white vinegar for a hassle-free application.
  2. Soda Crystals Technique: Empower Your Mattress Against Tough Stains
    • Prioritize safety by wearing gloves and adhering to manufacturer instructions.
    • Create a potent disinfectant by mixing 2 tablespoons of soda crystals in 2 liters of hot water.
    • Thoroughly impregnate a sponge with the solution, ensuring complete coverage of the mattress.
    • Rinse using a sponge or cloth dampened with clear water.
    • Expedite drying with a dry cloth or low-temperature hairdryer.
  3. Baking Soda Miracle: Eradicate Stains and Odors with EaseFor Stains:
    • Craft a thick paste of baking soda and water.
    • Apply generously over the stain, allowing it to dry for an hour before vacuuming.
    For Stubborn Stains:
  4. Read more on next page


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