Weeds are those wild and unwanted plants that grow in the garden which suck out the nutrients from the soil and deprive the other garden plants of sufficient nutrients. Therefore de-weeding the garden from time to time is very important. There are some home methods you can use to get rid of weeds from your garden instead of using chemical herbicides. Read on to find out more
1. Salt – Salt is a powerful weed killer but it should be very careful sprayed. Salt water should be sprayed only on areas you do not wants weeds to grow or in areas you do not want vegetation, as once the salt water is prayed the area will become dehydrated and barren.
Method: Into a spray can or spray bottle add in 3 tbsp of salt add in very little water, just enough to liquefy the solution and spray this on the weeds during the day time.
Tip: This method can be used for killing the weeds in your stone pathways, gravel drive ways, interlock tiled areas etc.
2. Boiling water: This is the simplest weed
killer. Simply spray boiling water on the weeds during the day time. Be careful not to spray it on the other plants as it will cause it to dehydrate.
Caution: Be very careful when using this
method as the boiling water can scald your hand or even melt the plastic spray bottle. So using a metal can and mitts is advisable.
3. Rubbing alcohol – Rubbing alcohol draws moisture away from the weed foliage and weakens the weeds once the foliage dries out. So trying this method could do you good.
2 tbsp rubbing alcohol
• 1 litre water
Method: Into a spray can add in the
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