The first step, and really the only prep required, is to clean your cabinets well. I like Krud Kutter. Cleaning is especially important for kitchen cabinets because of the grease and food residue that can accumulate on them over the years.

Then I primed all the surfaces with DecoArt’s Stainblocker, which is a primer/sealer. I used a roller brush for flat surfaces and a small brush for the inlaid parts.Do NOT remove the cabinet doors yet. It’s easier to prime and paint them while they’re still hanging on the frames.

The stainblocker goes on looking like glue, but dries clear. This is handy for leaving your kitchen looking normal while you wait a couple of days for the primer to dry.

Time to paint! I started by filling in the smaller areas with a small brush. Then I rolled on the paint over the larger areas, using a 6″ foam roller. I also found it helpful to lightly drag a clean paintbrush over the just-rolled areas as I was going, just to make sure there was no roller texture left behind.I did two coats of paint. There’s no need to sand in between coats. Yay!

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