Salmon and Camarón, Cajun Odaces and Picantes


1. Prepare the ingredients: Use the salt and camarón strips. This is the same time as the next door is taken out of the house.

2. Cook the salmon and shrimp: In a large bowl, mix the salmon and shrimp with the olive oil, Cajun seasoning, black olives, lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Assuming that the ingredients are very large in their specifications. Let them marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Cooking the salmon: Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add plenty of olive oil and other things. Colocaaaaa… The cooking process continues for 4 to 5 minutes for some time, or if the salmon is eaten and tastes delicious. Retira salmon

4. Cocina los camarones: The main part, assembling the camarones marinados. Cocina lasts for 2-3 minutes, or some camarones are rosados and coxidos. Check back from time to time to ensure the uniform.

5. Server: On a large plate are several salon and cameron files. Garnish with lemon juice and paint with picado fresco to darken the color.

6. Disfrutar: Serve several times, including your favorite guarantee. These platos are ideal for a particularly special place to impress those who invite us with a new and beautiful image.

Additional tips: If there are a lot of picante, they add a lot of salsa picante to taste. You can also accompany the dish with a yogurt sauce or juice to balance out the soap. Good guide!


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