Experts warn people who sleep next to their mobile phones


If you need your phone, you are waiting for a call, for example, or it is an emergency, you can at least turn off the Internet or WiFi connection.

Do not leave your mobile phone on charge at night even less if you have it under the pillow. Many people burned their faces. There is also the risk of fire caused by the contact of fabric (pyrake, sheets, etc.) that is inflammable.

New habits:
Here are some healthier habits to adopt:

Reduce the duration of calls or change your ear after a few minutes.
Don’t let children use the cell phone, even as a toy.
Do not use your smartphone in an area where the network is weak because the waves are more powerful.
Do not put your cell phone in your pocket.
Keep it away from you, even at a distance of one meter.
Try not to use the mobile phone just before closing your eyes.

In this way, we avoid imbalances at the neuronal level. The other devices you have may also be harmful to your health. Try not to have a TV or computer in your bedroom or at least turn them off.


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