Find a Tick Inside Your Home


Find a Tick Inside Your Home …Here’s What You Need To Know

While I like to consider myself someone who loves all creatures great and small, even spiders and snakes— which are common fears for many—don’t terrify me to the point where I run away in fear. However there is one exception that I’d happily banish of the face of the earth…. TICKS!

Not only are they bothersome and invasive (not to mention enough to make anyone’s skin crawl), but they can also pose real dangers! Ticks can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so it’s safe to say they’re not the kind of house guests you want to entertain.

That said, depending on where you live, the season, and whether you have pets, the likelihood of encountering ticks can be quite significant. So, here’s what to do if and when you come across one these tiny blights…

Identify & isolate the problem
First best step is to try and identify the type of tick (whether its a black-legged, dog, or brown dog tick) that you have found. That way you know what you are dealing with. If the tick is located in a specific area, keep your children or pets away until the tick has been removed.
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