Should be opened once a month


3. The Pantry and Dry Goods Storage

Expired food, hidden spills, or even unwanted pests can be lurking in your pantry.
 What to do: Go through dry goods, toss expired items, and wipe down shelves to keep things fresh.

4. Your Medicine Cabinet

Medications can expire, and some may lose their effectiveness. Keeping track of what you have can help you stay prepared for any situation.
 What to do: Check expiration dates and properly dispose of old or unused medicine.

5. The Water Heater

Sediment buildup in your water heater can reduce its efficiency and lifespan.
 What to do: Open the drain valve at the bottom to flush out a few gallons of water and remove any accumulated sediment.

6. HVAC and Air Filters

Dirty air filters can reduce air quality and make your system work harder, leading to higher energy bills.
 What to do: Check and replace air filters if needed, and wipe down air vents to remove dust.

7. Your Financial Statements & Subscriptions

We all sign up for things we forget about! Reviewing your statements can help you save money and keep track of your expenses.
 What to do: Go through your bank statements, subscriptions, and bills to cancel anything unnecessary.

Final Thoughts

Taking just a few minutes once a month to check these areas can save you money, improve efficiency, and keep your home running smoothly. Make it a habit, and you’ll avoid costly repairs and unnecessary stress in the long run!

Did any of these surprise you? Let me know which one you’ll check first! 


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