1. The ovenThe oven is undoubtedly one of the most energy-intensive household appliances. Even if you don’t use it regularly, you absolutely should not plug it into a power strip!
It is better to provide an individual wall outlet to avoid the risk of dangerous overheating.
2. The refrigerator
So I know what you’re going to tell me. The refrigerator is not the household appliance that consumes the most of all household appliances. Since it doesn’t consume too much energy, we say to ourselves that it’s good.
It can be plugged into an extension cord without any problem. Well no ! Let’s not forget that a refrigerator is electrical voltage sent 24 hours a day to the power strip. So, plug this type of device into an extension cord, you forget. And then I’m talking about refrigerators, but this also concerns freezers.
3. The washing machine
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