Pull out the cork: After a few taps, the cork will start to pop out. Once it’s far enough out, pull it out by hand until it’s completely removed.
Method 2: Paperclip
The second method uses something as common as paper clips. Here’s how to do it:
Prepare two steel paper clips: Straighten one side of each clip, leaving one end curved.
Insert the clips: Insert the curved ends into the sides of the cork, one on each side, and twist to engage the cork.
Use chopsticks or pliers: With the clips firmly engaged, use chopsticks or pliers to pry the cork out.
Method 3: Screw and Pliers
This method is very similar to using a traditional corkscrew:
Insert a long screw into the cork: Make sure the screw goes deep into the cork.
Use pliers: Using pliers, grab the screw and pull straight up. This method works like a makeshift corkscrew, and it’s very effective.
We also suggest: The Trick to Opening Jar Lids with a Stick
Additional Tips:
Prevent Wine Oxidation: If you don’t finish the bottle of wine, replace the cork or use plastic wrap to seal the mouth of the bottle. Store the bottle upright in the refrigerator to reduce contact with air.
Try the right method for the occasion: If you’re outdoors and don’t have any tools, the towel and wall method is ideal. If you have access to paper clips or screws, they can also be viable options.
Remember that these tricks will not only help you open a bottle of wine in times of emergency, but they can also impress your friends and family at any event. Enjoy your wine with these creative methods!