Say Goodbye to Dust Mites Forever with These Simple Tricks Using Red Onions


Start by chopping an onion.
Chop some red onions and set them aside to peel. Then, slice them into broad rings. An essential part of this technique is the pungent aroma that onions give out.
Position in Crucial Areas:
Place the slices of onion in strategic places throughout your house, paying special attention to regions that are prone to dust mite infestation. The bedrooms, closets, and corners of the living room are all part of this. Under mattresses, under pillowcases (wrapped in a little towel to prevent direct contact with bedding), and near upholstery are all good places to put slices.
Frequent Alterations:
To keep the onion slices’ aroma strong enough to ward off dust mites, replace them every day or two. In addition to keeping the onions from going bad or drawing in pests, replacing them regularly keeps them fresh.
Make Sure Your Home Is Well Ventilated:
If you want to use onions to get rid of dust mites, make sure your house has plenty of ventilation. To lower the humidity that dust mites love, open windows and turn on fans to move air around.
Keep Things Tidy: Using red onions properly necessitates keeping things tidy. Use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to routinely vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Dust mites may be easily killed by washing bedding in hot water once a week.
Added Hints:

Think about spraying some onion-infused water on a problem. After 12 to 24 hours of soaking, drain the onion slices and transfer the liquid to a spray bottle. Mist areas that are susceptible to dust mites with this.
Although this procedure is helpful, it is just one component of a larger strategy for controlling dust mites. Other components include regularly dusting and cleaning and keeping humidity levels low.

If you or a family member suffers from allergies, consider using red onions as a natural and safe substitute for artificial dust mite repellents. If you want a healthier and cleaner home, consider implementing these easy tips.



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